All other trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners. NovaLogic, the NovaLogic logo and NovaWorld are registered trademarks and Tachyon, The Fringe, Jake Logan, and the NovaWorld logo are trademarks of NovaLogic, Inc. Featuring Bruce Campbell as the voice of Jake Logan.By this time, humans have mastered space travel and have exploited many. Choose sides - Battle across multiple sectors as you fight to destroy opponent's base. Tachyon: The Fringe sets players into a mysterious universe 300 years in the future.Talk to other star pilots and coordinate attacks with Voice-Over-Net. Featuring intense team tactics and base wars.
But, as you explore the vastly detailed world of Tachyon: The Fringe, you will often find that the most powerful weapon on your ship is in your head. Caught in the middle of a violent conflict on the fringe of the galaxy - your ability to survive will depend on your piloting skills and combat savvy as a mercenary space fighter.